
Visual regression testing Drupal using BackstopJS - Part 1

#testing #backstopjs #drupal

This post demonstrates how to set up and run visual regression tests against Drupal using BackstopJS and Playwright.


Install BackstopJS and Playwright: npm install backstopjs && npx playwright install

Then create backstop/backstop.js file:

const processArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
const backstopjs = require('backstopjs');

// Upload test reports to web/sites/backstop by default.
const reportBasePath = 'web/sites/backstop';
// The Drupal hostname. This should be whatever domain you use to access the Drupal
// in your browser.
const hostname = 'visual-regression-example.docker.so';
const reportUrl = `https://${hostname}/sites/backstop/html_report/index.html`;

const removeDefault = [
// Define your test scenarios here.
let scenarios = [
    'label': 'Landing page',
    'url': `https://${hostname}/user`,
    'removeSelectors': removeDefault

// Define your breakpoints here.
let viewports = [
    'label': 'Breakpoint_XS',
    'width': 320,
    'height': 450
    'label': 'Breakpoint_XL',
    'width': 1024,
    'height': 580
    'label': 'Breakpoint_XXL',
    'width': 2560,
    'height': 1440

const config = {
  // Add filter for label string here if you want to debug a single component, like
  // the events component.
  filter: processArgs[2] ?? null,
  config: {
    'viewports': viewports,
    'scenarios': scenarios,
    'mergeImgHack': true,
    'onBeforeScript': 'onBefore.js',
    'paths': {
      'bitmaps_reference': `${reportBasePath}/bitmaps_reference`,
      'bitmaps_test': `${reportBasePath}/bitmaps_test`,
      'engine_scripts': `backstop/`,
      'html_report': `${reportBasePath}/html_report`,
      'ci_report': `${reportBasePath}/ci_report`
    'report': ['browser'],
    'engine': 'playwright',
    'engineOptions': {
      'browser': 'chromium',
    'asyncCaptureLimit': 10,
    'asyncCompareLimit': 100,
    'debug': false,
    'debugWindow': false,
    'hostname': `${hostname}`,

const commandMap = {
  reference: 'reference',
  test: 'test',
  approve: 'approve',

let command;
if (processArgs.includes(commandMap.reference)) {
  command = commandMap.reference;
} else if (processArgs.includes(commandMap.test)) {
  command = commandMap.test;
} else if (processArgs.includes(commandMap.approve)) {
  command = commandMap.approve;
} else {
  throw new Error('Missing a known command');

backstopjs(command, config)
  .then(() => {
    console.log(`The ${command} command was successful! Check the report here: ${reportUrl}`);
  }).catch((e) => {
  process.exitCode = 255;
  console.error('\n\nšŸ“• ', e, `\n\nCheck the report:\nšŸ–¼ļø  ${reportUrl}`);

Create backstop/onBefore.js file:

module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp, isReference, browserContext, config) => {
  // Wait until all assets have been loaded. Image style generation
  // can sometimes take a long time, causing random failures due to
  // missing image.
  await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');


Run node backstop/backstop.js reference. This should create reference images based on your current layout.

You can now make changes and run tests against the reference images: node backstop/backstop.js test.

Setting up GitHub Actions

See Part 2 to see how to run tests in GitHub Actions.